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Pastor's Page

Dear Friends


Greetings in the name of Jesus!  Lent is an important time for spiritual growth both individually and as a church.  It begins on Ash Wednesday, March 5th with a worship service at 7:30 PM.  As we think about growing spiritually, it may benefit us to take a closer look at our prayer lives.  Most of us would agree that praying is important.  Yet many of us feel as though our prayers lack power. 


Let us take some time to consider the following questions:

Do you feel frustrated, stuck, overwhelmed and discontented?

Are you facing insurmountable odds and you are out of ideas?

Do you want more but are unsure how to get there? 

Does your prayer life feel flat? Is it inward-focused and problem-focused?

Is prayer something you do out of obligation?

Have you ever wondered if God really hears you?

Do you need a breakthrough – to see supernatural possibilities beyond your earthly limitations?


Most of us have answered yes to one or all those questions from time to time.  Many of us long for something more, which leads to a greater question.  What if, through prayer, we could tap into the miraculous power of God’s Holy Spirit and unleash more than we can ask, think or imagine in our lives and in our world?


Pastor Amanda and I would like to invite you to join us in a 28-day Dynamite Prayer experiment to invite God’s resurrection power into our lives and the life of our church this Lent.  It’s that resurrection power that breaks through our regular routines, our regular kinds of thoughts, words, deeds and actions to focus on what God is trying to say to us in new ways. It’s a powerful way to pray that increases our faith and transforms the world as new inspiration and hope is unleashed by God’s Spirit.


This 28-day adventure will take you from feeling stuck, overwhelmed, and uninspired to curious and expectant as you surrender your own preferences and ideas and courageously follow the miracles God brings into your life.  We will begin on Sunday, March 16th and pray our way to Saturday, April 12th (the day before Palm Sunday) using Dynamite Prayer by Rosario Picardo and Sue Nilson Kibbey. If you would like to join us, you may purchase the book through the church office.  The cost is $10 per copy.  An order form will be in the bulletin through March 2nd with a deadline of noon Monday, March 3rd.


It is my prayer that as we do the 28-day experiment together we will experience God in new and powerful ways.  I am excited to learn what God can do among us this Lent.



Pastor Keith

Bakerstown United Methodist Church

5760 William Flinn Highway
Gibsonia PA 15044

724-443-3124- fax


Church Office Hours

Monday - Thursday      7:30am-1:00pm

Day School            724-272-6032

© 2024 Bakerstown United Methodist Church  All rights reserved.

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